Comparison of 1H qNMR and NIR spectroscopic methods to predict heartwood decay resistance in Dicorynia guianensis Amsh

IRG/WP 17-20601

C Flora, G Frédéric, M-F Thevenon, Y Estevez, C Duplais, N Amusant

Dicorynia guianensis is by far the most exploited wood in French Guiana, as it is an abundant tree species associated with good technological properties. However, the decay resistance of D. guianensis wood against lignivorous fungi pathogens is sometimes variable. Therefore, the development of tools to predict the decay resistance of D. guianensis heartwood is relevant in wood science and agroforestry for ensuring a rational use of the resource. Two methods in analytical chemistry are reported herein using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (qRMN) spectroscopy. Correlations of decay resistance assays with either alkaloid (tryptamine) quantification by qRMN or NIRS data, demonstrate that both predictive methods are prominsing and suitable to predict the decay resistance of D. guianensis heartwood.

Keywords: decay resistance, predictive method, qRMN, NIRS, heartwood, biomarker

Conference: 17-06-04/08 Ghent, Belgium

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