The variation in electrical resistance in the CCA-treated wood during the fixation
IRG/WP 3554
F G Evans, B Nossen
The curve commonly used in Scandinavia for describing the fixation period at different temperatures for CCA-impregnated wood is based on investigation by Dahlgren on the pH-variations in a mixture of sawdust and preservative solution. As far as we know there is no such investigation on solid wood. We have therefore measured the electrical resistance in CCA-treated solid wood to see if this will differ according to the different ion consentrations that are in the wood during the fixation process. Our investigation shows that the electrical resistance in the CCA-treated wood varies. At first the resistance will increase, then it will decrease and at last stabilize at a higher ohm-value than in the start. This variation may describe the fixation in the wood and perhaps be used to measure the fixation time at different temperatures for solid, impregnated wood.