Inspection of tropical hardwood window frames in Nigeria for decay presence

IRG/WP 2294

M A Odeyinde, M A Amakiri, E B Lucas, J O Eyenike, S Akanni

A method of in situ inspection of hardwood window frames for expression of decay is discussed in this paper. The results show that about 6% of the frames inspected or 23% of the volume of wood in all the frames sampled in buildings erected between 1920 and 1984, exhibited evidence of advanced decay. Protection by the length of the eaves, species of the framing timber used, length of exposure to service, type of housing estate and direction which frames faced, all appeared not to significantly affect the initiation and progression of decay of hardwood window frames of buildings sampled in this work. The trend of results however showed that windows sampled in Government Reservations and private low density layouts, exhibited decay proportions of 13-15% which were below those in private high density layouts and public Institutions (23-24%). Windows facing North and South had relatively higher decay proportions (21-27%) than windows facing East and West (17-18%).


Conference: 87-05-17/22 Honey Harbour, Ontario, Canada

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