A Review of Wood as Material and Source of Innumerable Products

IRG/WP 08-10662

I Usta, R Despot

As we known that “wood –which is a source of innumerable pruducts (Tsoumis, 1968)– is a fascinating and challenging material (Dinwoodie, 1975)”, and hence, “an understanding of the basic properties of wood and of the factors that affect its serviceability is vital background for the preservation of wood structures (Sherwood, 1986)”. This paper therefore presents an overview of structrural properties of wood (based on the softwood species) and the aspect of of wood material for its serviceabilty. The emphasis was given to introduce wood as a material and a source of innumerable products by the detailed coverege of the subject.

Keywords: wood, structure, raw material, biomass, science, technology

Conference: 08-05-25/29, Istanbul, Turkey

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