Subterranean termites in Portugal. Tentative model of distribution
IRG/WP 02-10420
T Nobre, L Nunes
Although extensive references can be found on the presence in the last 50 years of Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi), in Portugal, its exact distribution and importance has never been critically evaluated.
Termites were found to be widespread in the country and are probably the most serious wood destroying insects in buildings.
To provide a future working tool that would permit an evaluation of the probability of termite infestation within a given area, an attempt was made to model the probability of the presence of R. lucifugus to a set of environmental variables, so far in a relatively large scale. Logistic regression was the chosen statistical method. Four variables were found to explain, in part, the distribution of the data. The overall effect of changes in environmental variables on the probability of termite occurrence could be inferred from the model.