Variations of Furfuryl alcohol and Wolmanit CX-8 treatability of pine sapwood within and between trees

IRG/WP 08-40421

E Larnøy, S Lande, G I Vestøl

The variations on the ratio of filling (RoF) were investigated on Norwegian grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). The samples were taken from 10 different stands in south-east Norway, and treated with furfuryl alcohol and a copper-containing wood preservative. Both within tree variations, between tree variations and variations between stands were investigated for significant differences. Factors like horizontal and vertical positioning of the stem, annual ring width, density, tree height, tree age and latitude were tested. Samples of 20 x 20 x 60 mm were impregnated with a mild treatment scheme to avoid full penetration, which made it possible to distinguish the RoF. A significant variation was found between copper impregnated a furfuryl treated samples, favouring the copper impregnated samples. Within tree variations show a positive significance of the first log compared to the other logs, and a higher RoF in younger sapwood. The latitude of the stand gave a strong correlation, favouring southern stands.

Keywords: copper, furfuryl alcohol, ratio of filling (RoF), Scots pine, treatability, uptake and latitude

Conference: 08-05-25/29, Istanbul, Turkey

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