The shower test method. A leaching test for assessing preservative losses from treated timber under simulated open storage conditions
IRG/WP 93-50001-04
J B G A Havermans, W J Homan, M J Boonstra
In the late 1980's against the background of increasing environmental concern a laboratory based accelerated leaching test method for assessing preservative losses-from stored, treated timber was developed by the Dutch organisation for applied Scientific Research (TNO). This test method quantifies the amount of specific preservative components which leach from treated timber under simulated open storage conditions. The test method measures leaching from both creosote and inorganic salt treated timber. Leached components are quantified in relation to their retention in the treated product and described by use of a leaching factor. The test allows for the direct determination of leachates as a function of time (i.e. fixation) and enables the influence of several material and process variables to be assessed. This test is currently being used, under Dutch legislation, as an environmental control system for the Dutch wood preservation industry.