Occurrence of marine wood borers at three ports in Andhra Pradesh, India

IRG/WP 04-10509

B Tarakanadha, M.Balaji, R Ramamurthi, K S Rao

Marine wood borers are a specialised group of organisms which destroy the wooden structures and cause huge monetary losses. They are site specific and their distribution depends on the water quality of a particular area. Seven species of wood borers such as Martesia striata, Teredo furcifera, T. parksi, Lyrodus pedicellatus, L. bipartita, Bankia campanellata and B. carinata have been identified in the present study. This paper deals with the nature, distribution and growth of wood borers at three ports in Andhra Pradesh, i.e. Krishnapatnam, Kakinada and Visakhapatnam during November, 1993 to October, 1995. The results of exposure trials (test coupons) are discussed in the light of available literature.

Keywords: marine wood borers, India

Conference: 04-06-06/10 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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