Recommendations for handling of mold infestation of wooden artifacts
IRG/WP 12-10790
K Plaschkies, B Weiss, W Scheiding
The presentation gives an overview of the handling of wooden artifacts with mold infestation. The causes of mold deterioration are demonstrated by investigations in a church, a historic library and a monastery in Germany. Investigated infested wooden artifacts were altars, sculptures, picture frames and sarcophagi. Important investigation methods including indoor climate measurement, material and air sampling, microscopy, lab investigations and determination of the mold species are described. The most typical mold species are discussed. Whereas various species of Penicillium are typical fungi, found after water injuries (condensation, leakage, flood), these fungi were not often found in wooden artifacts. Instead, for example, Trichoderma sp. and Aureobasidium sp. were frequently detected on the materials and caused discoloration. Contemporary measures for disinfection and protection of both wooden artifacts and the health of the restorers are shown by examples. Problems are discussed and possibilities for the removal of molds and material preservation by chemicals are shown.