The implementation of restrictions on the use of arsenic and chromium based wood preservatives in Sweden
IRG/WP 95-50062
J Jermer, M-L Edlund, K Nilsson
In 1992 the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate introduced restrictions on the use of wood treated with arsenic and/or chromium based wood preservatives. Such wood is now in principle only allowed for use in ground contact or in water. These restrictions have had considerable influence on the use of wood preservatives for sawn timber for the Swedish domestic market. Thus only 35% of the preservative treated sawn timber for the domestic market was treated with CCAs in 1994 compared with as much as 85% in 1991. Use of arsenic and chromium free preservatives resulted in a share of more than 50% in 1994 for treated sawn timber for the Swedish domestic market.