The use of the Shigometer® and Pilodyn® as non-destructive test methods for detecting decay in CCA treated eucalypt poles
IRG/WP 2153
L E Leightley
The groundline condition of sixty C.C.A. treated eucalypt poles comprising six different species was examined using the Pilodyn® and Shigometer®. Although sensitive to the presence of soft-rot decay, the Shigometer® would seem to offer little practical advantage in the eucalypt soft-rot decay situation, since a comparable visual examination could reveal the presence and extent of decay. Initial results using the Pilodyn® suggest that the instrument has potential for use in detecting changes in timber quality caused by decay. Thirty C.C.A. treated Eucalyptus grandis poles were examined for internal decay using the Shigometer®. A visual assessment of internal pole material and Shigometer® results were in close aggreement for most poles. Information obtained with the Shigometer® on the internal condition of the poles seems to offer a useful method for detecting such decay.