Performance testing of DMDHEU-modified wood in Australia
IRG/WP 13-30613
H Militz, J Norton
Chemical wood modification with dimethyloldihydroxy-ethyleneurea (DMDHEU) or its derivatives has been researched for many years and shown to be applicable to improve certain wood properties to both solid lumber and wood-based composites. Earlier research proved a high biological resistance of DMDHEU-modified wood against biological degradation in laboratory and field tests in Europe. Due to the very different climatic conditions and test procedures in Queensland (Australia), the resistance of DMDHEU-modified wood was evaluated in field tests in Southern and Northern Queensland over a period of 5.5 years. The tests show, that in weather exposed out of ground (H3) exposure and in soil contact (H4) DMDHEU treated pine resists degradation by fungi compared to treated beech (Fagus sylvatica) which is protected only at higher chemical loadings.
Keywords: wood modification, DMDHEU, durability, field tests, hazard classes