Effects of seed origin and site on both wood density and longitudinal fluid uptake of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) with height in the tree grown in the United Kingdom

IRG/WP 02-40226

I Usta, M D C Hale

The variation in density and longitudinal fluid uptake was investigated in short specimens of wood taken from eight seed origins of Sitka spruce trees grown at two sites in the UK. Five trees of each seed origin at each site were sampled at three heights (1, 2 and 3 m above ground level). The density of the samples decreased with increasing height within the stem. This corresponded with increasing ring width. The change of the longitudinal fluid uptake from base to apex showed an inverse trend to density. Site had an effect on density and increased density reduced fluid uptake. Seed origin had a marked effect on density and fluid uptake but the two factors showed no correlation. Some seed origins showed a variety of desirable characteristics and recommendations are made for the selection of seed origins for further UK plantations based on growth rate, density, tree form and permeability.

Keywords: Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis, seed origin, site, wood density, void volume, permeability, longitudinal fluid uptake

Conference: 02-05-12/17 Cardiff, Wales, UK

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