Evaluation of the pulsed-current resistance meter (Shigometer®) for determination of the internal condition of utility poles
IRG/WP 2128
J D Thornton, W G Seaman, M McKiterick
A number of Telecom poles, which had been removed from service to be replaced by a radio link, were inspected using an electrical resistance meter (Shigometer®). These poles were creosoted, non-durable Victorian species in service in New South Wales. Six of these poles, chosen to represent various internal conditions typical of the range of the population tested, are discussed here. Data, from traditional assessment methods on the standing poles, from visual inspection, drilling and resistance testing after crosscutting, are presented together with photographs of a section of each pole. These data are presented to familiarise the reader with the obtaining and interpretation of electrical resistance values and to enable the reader to decide for himself whether this type of instrument may be a reliable and useful aid to the person determining the internal condition of service poles.