Effectiveness of a superficial treatment of bifenthrin to protect softwood framing from damage by subterranean and drywood termites in Indonesia
IRG/WP 09-40443
P Sukartana, J W Creffield, A Ismanto, N E Lelana
Various experimental testing procedures were undertaken in Indonesia to determine the effectiveness of a superficial (envelope) treatment of bifenthrin to protect softwood framing from damage by two species of subterranean termite (Macrotermes gilvus and Coptotermes curvignathus) and one species of drywood termite (Cryptotermes cynocephalus). Lengths of framing (Pinus radiata sapwood) were commercially-treated to target the retention of 0.02% mm of bifenthrin in the outer 2 mm penetration zone. Treated lengths were subsequently cut into test specimens and exposed to M. gilvus in the field and a semi-laboratory trial, to C. curvignathus in the laboratory and a semi-laboratory trial and to C. cynocephalus in a laboratory trial. No supplementary treatment was given to the exposed cut ends of the treated test specimens. The results from the trials clearly demonstrated that the superficial treatment of bifenthrin was effective in protecting test specimens of radiata pine framing from significant damage by Indonesia’s most economically important termite species. Termites were unable to damage any of the bifenthrin-treated surfaces of test specimens. Any observed damage by termites, albeit minor, was in all cases confined to the exposed cut ends of test specimens. In contrast, damage sustained by untreated control test specimens ranged from light to destroyed.