Performance of dip and pressure treated wood in termite ground proximity exposures in Hilo, HI, and Colombia

IRG/WP 08-30491

P Walcheski, A Zahora

A number of preservative systems were evaluated for their ability to control termite attack when applied as both dip and pressure treatments. With dip treatments, better performance was observed with southern pine than spruce-pine-fir using the same solution strength treatment, probably as a result of the about 50% greater uptake with southern pine and associated deeper preservative penetration. Boards that were cross-cut after treatment suffered much great attack, suggesting that the shell treatment does not provide any protection to post treatment cut ends. There were also indications that the type of cover used in the termite ground proximity test may greatly influence the activity of the termites in the arrays.

Keywords: termites, dip treatment, pressure treatment, penetration, borates, end-cutting, termite ground proximity test

Conference: 08-11-30/12-02 Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica

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