Electrokinetic Accelerated Ingress of Boron After Surface Treatment of Wood

IRG/WP 07-40372

I V Christensen

In this work electrokinetic acceleration of boron penetration after surface treatment is proposed in order to offer an alternative to the often low penetration rates based on diffusion. Electrodialytic experiments showed that boric acid could be transported as negatively charged complexes with tartaric acid in aqueous solutions at pH 4-5. Boric acid could not be transported when tartaric acid was not present. In wood samples (pine sap wood, 50*50*26 mm) experiments showed a significantly deeper penetration of boron in wood samples that was subjected to an electric field, compared to penetration based on diffusion. The boron is expected to move as boric-tartaric acid complexes, which is in agreement with transport towards the anode. The acceleration was evident both in transport along the grain and in the radial direction. Transport along the grain resulted in the largest ingress. Results are shown for varying moisture content (20-35%) and magnitude of the electric field (0.25-1 mA). The optimisation process is ongoing but the results so far seem promising.

Keywords: boron, surface treatment, electrokinetic acceleration, boron transport

Conference: 07-05-20/24 Jackson, USA

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