A note on the distribution of copper-chrome-boric (CCB) along the culm length of freshly felled bamboo treated by modified Boucherie process
IRG/WP 05-40317
R Lal, C N Vani
Preservative treatment of green and dry bamboo poses severe problems. A number of bamboo/ wood preservatives (Chemical formulations) for the destroying organism like fungi, borers and termites etc. In this paper we reported preliminary results of treatment of fresh green round bamboo attached with baranches by modified Boucheri process. Sample full length of an Indian species of bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus is taken for the treatment. Bamboo culm is treated with 8% solution of copper-chrome-Boric (CCB) for 6 hours. The treatment was discontinued after six hours. When the out coming solution showed almost equivalent concentration and bamboo was removed from the equipment. Branches were removed and bamboo culm was stored under cover for slow drying to allow diffusion of salts from the vessels to the adjoining tissues. The results from the study indicate excellent penetration, retention and absorption of CCB preservative in bamboo culm.