Guideline for Environmental Product Declaration for Thermally Modified Timber
IRG/WP 12-50287
L Clauder
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) intend to enable the comparison of the environmental attributes of products that meet equivalent functional requirements. This guideline describes the proceedings of EPD for thermally modified timber (TMT). The main objective is the general survey on requirements on EPD which are based on European and international standards.Up to now only a few EPDs for natural sawn-timber and timber-products have been issued, e.g. for Norway-spruce (Picea abies Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvetsris, L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica). This guideline is applicable for the declaration of modified timber of various heat treatment processes. The documentation of EPD proceedings covers the aspects of identification, inventory, analysis and the transmission of process data into the environmental performance of TMT. Therefore the purpose of this IRG-document is to support scientists who perform the inventory of thermal-treatment-processes with the goal of providing data for an EPD.
Keywords: life cycle assessment, life cycle inventory, product category rule, impact category, global warming potential