Timber deterioration and its prevention in marine environment
IRG/WP 05-10559
B S Swami, M Udhayakumar, P Kumar, A B Samui
Wood-borer activity is an established fact in Mumbai harbour that leads to severe deterioration of timber. In order to prevent the deterioration caused by wood borers three resin preservatives containing Zinc borate, Organo-copper polymer (4 wt% Cu) and Organo-Tin polymer Copoly(TBTM-MMA) were used for timber treatment. Test panels were treated using standard method and their efficacy was tested. It was observed that among three preservatives, panels treated with copoly (TBTM-MMA) with 10kg/m3 remained free from borer attack for 42 months, panels treated with Organo-copper polymer and Zinc borate, incorporated with chlorinated rubber (CR) have protected timber for 8 and 15 months respectively, as compared to control panels which were severely affected within three months. The study revealed that preservative containing TBTM as a toxic moiety can be used as an anti-borer preservative and protect the timber in marine environment over long period.
Keywords: Wood borers, timber preservatives, Copoly (TBTM-MMA), zinc-borate, timber deterioration and performance of preservatives