The aim of this study was to optimise the durability of LVL panels by adding boron during the gluing process. Poplar veneers (2,6 mm thickness ) were selected by ISORY a French company . Two types of glue were tested : Phenol resorcine and Melamine Urea Formaldehyde. Each of them was mixed with various concentrations of borax (for the first one) and Boric acid(for the second one). Mechanical properties of final panels and bond strength properties were studied. LVL boron retention was tested after leaching. Influence of glue bonds on leaching was evaluated. The level of boron diffusion in wood was measured by spectrocolorimetry (CIELAB system). Our results have demonstrated that such treatment may improve efficiently LVL durability. Around 0.8% of boron was still fixed in our best panels after leaching tests. This kind of treatment appears to be a good alternative to improve durability of LVL Panels built with low resistant wood species.