Make ready of a detection system for insect attack by acoustical method
IRG/WP 96-10183
M Hyvernaud, F Wiest, M-M Serment, M Angulo, O Winkel
A contract CRAFT of European research allowed to build a detector prototype able to diagnose on site the presence of Hylotrupes bajulus and termites, even during the first stages of infestation when no sign of activity is visible. Based on non destructive control technics, the device picks up the acoustical waves emitted by the insects in the wood fibers. The amplification and the filtering of the signal delivered by the piezo-electric sensors is made by an electronic module. The signal is numerized and transfered to a calculation processor. The diagnosis and automatic insect identification require a computer treatment by neuro-fuzzy processing. With the help of neural networks, it memorizes the sign of insects identified by an expert. This knowledge, translated in fuzzy logic is exploited to analyze in true time all sign coming in and automatically diagnose the level of infestation.