Work Programme of CEN/TC 38 (April 2001) and European Publications
IRG/WP 01-20234
R Hüe
New scope of the CEN/TC 38: " Standardization of the natural or conferred durability of wood and wood-based products against biological agents and their characteristics associated with exposure ". " Normalisation de la durabilité naturelle ou conférée du bois et de ses produits dérivés visà-vis des agents biologiques et leurs caractéristiques associées à leur exposition ". " Normung der natürlichen oder durch Behandlung herbeigeführten Dauerhaftigkeit von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen gegenüber Organismen und deren Eigenschaften mit der ensprechenden Exponierung ".
CEN/TC Structure and Resources: This section gives an overview of the existing and planned standardisation structure for this CEN/TC and its resources, which are required to be able to elaborate the above listed projects. Only structures directly responsible for standardisation projects (WIs) are listed. Therefore, no co-ordination or advisory groups are included. Again, the aim of this listing is to demonstrate the adequacy of available resources with regard to the anticipated workload.
CEN/TC 38 - Durability of wood and derived materials
Chairperson : Mr G.Ozanne
Secretary : Mr R.Hüe
CEN Member responsible : AFNOR
Translation workload is planned for per individual work item : Yes by DIN and AFNOR
Editing Committee
Convenor :
Secretary : Mr.R.HÜE
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes AFNOR
English language expert available : Yes Ms JAMES
French language expert available : Yes Mr. HÜE
German language expert available : Yes Mrs LUDWIG
Additional human resources that the Editing Committee would like to participate in their work, e.g. specific expertise: Convenors whose drafts are revised during the E.D. meeting attend to it normally and the Secretary provides coordination and the follow of the rules for drafting.
CEN/TC 38/WG 12 - Creosotes
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation of sampling and analysis methods of creosotes and of creosoted treated wood subjected to regulations(13th amendment of the Directive 76/769/EEC)..
Convenor: Mr G.Van Steertegem
Secretary :
CEN Member responsible : IBN
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes
CEN/TC 38/WG 21 - Durability classification (hazard classes- natural durability)
The scope of the WG is Standardisation of terminology ;the definition of the biological hazard classes and the classification of the natural durability of solid wood of importance in Europe...
Convenor: Mr A.Demange
Secretary : Mrs Thomassin
CEN Member responsible : AFNOR
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes AFNOR
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes
CEN/TC 38/WG 22 - Performance - Assessement and specifications(Treated wood-Wood preservatives)
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation for the classification of the minimum performance requirements for wood preservatives for the preventive and the curative treatement of solid timber against biological deterioration in relation with the biological tests according to the hazard class .Also the classification of presertative-treated solid wood in terms of preservative penetration with guidance on a classification of retention..
Convenor: Dr H.Willeitner
Secretary : Mr.B. TREPKAU
CEN Member responsible : DIN
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes DIN
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes DIN
CEN/TC 38/WG 23 - Fungal testing (basidiomycetes-microfungi)
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation of biological tests for the determination of the preventive or curative efficacy of wood preservatives against sapstains or wood destroying basidiomycete fungi...
Convenor: Vacant
Secretary :
CEN Member responsible : Vacant
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes BSI
CEN/TC 38/WG 24 - Insect testing (beetles-termites)
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation of biological tests for the determination of the preventive or curative efficacy of wood preservatives against beetles and termites (woodboring insects)..
Convenor: Dr D.Rudolph
Secretary :
CEN Member responsible : DIN
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes DIN
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes
CEN/TC 38/WG 25 - External factors (field tests - reconditioning-permanence of ingredients)
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation of the field tests in ground contact and out of ground contact,of the methods for determination of the permanence of active matters in the treated wood .after evaporation to air and leaching into water, of the conditions of preconditioning before the biological tests..
Convenor: Mr J.B.Simonin
Secretary :
CEN Member responsible : AFNOR
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes AFNOR
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes
CEN/TC 38/WG 26 - Physical/chemical factors ( analytical methods)
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation of analytical methods to determine compliance with EN 351 and to facilitate the determination of microcontaminants in wood and woodbased products...
Convenor: Mr J.Jermer
Secretary :
CEN Member responsible : SIS
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes
CEN/TC 38/WG 27- Exposure aspects
The scope of the WG is : Standardisation with reference to the Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC) of methods for measuring environmental emissions from wood preservatives during application , wood in service which has been treated with wood preservatives, and from treated wood after its service life. The first priority is to draft methods to measure environmental emissions from wood in service which has been treated with wood preservatives. The work will be carried out in liaison with OECD.
Convenor: Dr G. Deroubaix
Secretary :
CEN Member responsible : AFNOR
Professional standardisation support is available : Yes AFNOR
Balanced participation of interested groups is ensured : Yes