Field studies investigating the efficacy of biological treatments in preventing decay of freshly-felled pine

IRG/WP 93-10022

M W Schoeman, D J Dickinson

Four species of fungi (Trichoderma viride, Ascocoryne sarcoides, Potebniamyces conifererum and Cryptosporiopsis terraconensis) and sterile distilled water were applied separately to unpeeled, freshly-felled pine billets. The fungi were all in the form of concentrated aqueous spore suspensions, and were spread onto the end-grains of the logs by brush. Destructive sampling of the billets was carried out at regular intervals up to 6 months. Samples were assessed for basidiomycete attack on the basis of: a) frequency of isolation of basidiomycetes and b) the extent of colonisation by wood decay fungi (inferred from pH-studies). No significant differences were observed across treatments in terms of the numbers of basidiomycetes isolated. However, significant differences in percentage areas colonised were evident. Reasons for the observed trends and related practical implications are discussed.


Conference: 93-05-16/21 Orlando, Florida, USA

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