Profiling fungal degradation of Scots pine sapwood by short wave infrared hyperspectral image analysis
IRG/WP 20-20667
A Jochemsen, G Alfredsen, I Burud
Hyperspectral image analysis of Scots pine sapwood wood affected by decay fungi has been carried out as part of a Ph.D. thesis within the project Remote Inspection of Wooden Utility Poles (RIWUP).
In a lab experiment, Petri-dishes with Scots pine sapwood samples on malt agar medium were infected with two types of decay fungi, a brown rot and a white rot. The wood samples were scanned with a HySpex SWIR-384 hyperspectral camera at different stages of decay progression to create a time series of short wave infrared hyperspectral measurements. The time series captures the wood-decay effect for a period of sixteen weeks. The primary variables in this experiment are mass loss and the recorded wood spectra.
The correlation of the wood mass loss with the wood infrared spectra was performed with Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. The preliminary analysis show that the change in the wood infrared spectra can largely be modelled by a single component for both the brown rot and the white rot decay processes.