Co-operative tests concerning influence of solvent and drying method on the toxic limit of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. Preliminary report
IRG/WP 204
T Hof
In the Working Group II of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development working group on wood preservation (now International Research Group on wood preservation) it was agreed that more knowledge was necessary concerning the influence of the solvent on the toxic limit of organic solvent types of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. A test program was drawn up and after discussion in the mentioned working group the final program was accepted by the co-operating institutes in 1969. In the test program two fungicides, a pentachlorophenol concentrate and tributyltinoxide, solved in four different solvents were enclosed. Considering that an influence of the kind of solvent could coincide with the rate of evaporation thereof from the test blocks, also different drying methods for some solvents were included.