Quality and safety scheme for wood in food contact

IRG/WP 95-50040-11

G Deroubaix

When there is no tolerance concerning the content in food of potential contaminants the scheme is limited to a ban of any contaminant with objectives of undetectable amounts at the limits of detection of the chemical analysis. When some tolerances exist, there is a need to check the compliance of a production to such requirements, putting in place the necessary prevention of any accidental situation, within the frame of a clean production flow-sheet. In both cases the introduction of quality assurance, namely at the stage of records and treatability, combined with adapted statistical control on the input and output of a production process and generalisation of cleaner production principles gives a high level of confidence to the wood products. A practical experience is described in this document.


Conference: 95-02-06/07 Cannes-Mandelieu, France

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