Chapter 13 - Slow fixation of CCA-treated bamboo

IRG/WP 07-10635-13

A K Lahiry

Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) leachability tests on full-cell pressure impregnated (with 2-3% CCA solution) and slow dried (six months air-drying under cover) bamboo block of three major bamboo species of Bangladesh revealed initial insignificant leaching of CCA within first week and no leaching in next week. Use of low concentration of CCA, release of particle form of CCA due to exposure of bamboo blocks by cutting and presence of watersoluble extractives in bamboo might be the causes for initial leaching of CCA.

Keywords: Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa vulgaris, Melocanna baccifera, CCA, Leachability, Slow dried bamboo, Fixation

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