Review of current wood preservation in Turkey

IRG/WP 03-30315

I Usta

The aim of this study was to find out the current potential of the Turkish wood preservation industry, and to make some suggestions for its further proceeding, because the forest products potential and the geographical location combined may give to the wood preservation industry in Turkey a great advantage for exportation treated wood materials to the Middle East Countries. In this study, therefore, the importance of wood preservation in the country was discussed and the measurements were described. The regulations, standards and other specifications in current use relevant to the subject in Turkey have also been criticized. Consequently, it can be stated that this research offered the essential data concerning the timber resources in Turkey, the country’s most dangerous wood-destroying organisms, the wood preservatives available, the facilities that exist in the country for wood preservation, and the universities and research institutes that are concerned with protecting wood.

Keywords: Review, wood preservation, Turkey, wood species, preservative chemicals

Conference: 03-05-18/23 Brisbane, Australia

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