The cultivation and propagation of bamboos are very essential to
meet various human needs and environmental requirements.
Different methods of propagation and regeneration of bamboos have
been described in this chapter. The possibility of propagation
through seeds are restricted and limited because of its inadequacy
and non-viability. Due to this natural obstacle bamboos are
predominately propagated by natural vegetative multiplications.
Hence the possible common and easy way of artificial propagation
(propagation by means of human actvity and nursing) is from its
vegetative parts containing rhizomes, nodes and buds. The
commonly pacticed artificial vegetative propagation methods are
offset planting, part-clump planting, culm or stem cutting, branch
cutting, ground layering, seedling layering, macroprolification of
seedling, stump sprouting. The modern technique for the mass
production of bamboos, which offers disease-free, monoclonal,
superior, planting material in large numbers as and when required,
is the tissue culture technique. The active materials for tissue
culture are only the seeds, embryo and buds. Tissue culture helps to
conquer the problems of non-viable seeds, scarcity of seeds and
seedlings and helps in the restoration of the shrinking bamboo
resources and ensures conservation of forestal environment.