Development and Implementation of a DNA – RFLP Database for Wood Decay and Wood Associated Fungi
IRG/WP 04-10527
S V Diehl, T C McElroy, M L Prewitt
We are developing Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequence databases for wood decay basidiomycetes and other fungi associated with wood. These databases currently house information for 39 fungal species consisting of 9 brown-rot basidiomycetes, 12 white rot basidiomycetes, 1 soft rot, 1 stain fungi, and 16 molds or other ascomycetes or imperfect fungi. We plan to add 6 brown rot, 14 white rot and 8 other species that we have in culture by summer 2004. Using the RFLP database, we were able to identify wood decay basidiomycetes that were isolated from a local forest and that could not be distinguished based on morphology. In addition, RFLP data confirmed identifications of several other wood associated fungi. One of our ultimate goals is to establish a web-based database of wood basidiomycetes and wood-associated fungi emphasizing ITS sequence and RFLP pattern data plus morphological characteristics in one searchable system. These databases will be able to provide sensitive and reliable identifications of the wood decay community and important wood decay fungal species.