Fungal decay resistance of Rubber wood treated with heartwood extract of Rosewood

IRG/WP 05-30367

A K Sethy, H C Nagaveni, S Mohan, K T Chandrashekar

Alcoholic extract of Dalbergia latifolia heartwood was studied for its toxicity towards wood decaying fungi. Rubber wood blocks were treated with this extract to three different retention levels (0.1%, 0.2% & 0.5%) and the treated wood blocks were assessed for their resistance towards two white rot and two brown rot fungi. Treated blocks showed improved resistance over the control blocks. At 0.5% retention level, treated rubber wood blocks exposed to fungus showed a weight loss of 15% as compared to 57 % in control blocks. A positive correlation was found between fungal decay resistance and retention level of the extract.

Keywords: Dalbergia latifolia, rubber wood, extractive, fungus, decay resistance, retention level

Conference: 05-04-24/28 Bangalore, India

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