Monitoring of wood biodeterioration by infrared spectroscopy
IRG/WP 17-20607
E Meneses Oliveira, A Florian da Costa, J W Batista Braga
The susceptibility of wood to deterioration by rotting fungi is intrinsically related to its chemical composition and the environmental conditions at its place of use, and if not detected in time, can cause enormous financial losses. The process of wood biodeterioration by decay fungi can be evaluated through laboratory accelerated test, in specific field tests, or through non-destructive techniques such as medium infrared spectroscopy. In the spectrum, within the medium infrared region, are located the absorption bands useful for the identification of functional groups. This study evaluated the monitoring of wood biodeterioration of marupá and eucalipto during 12 weeks of exposure to decay fungi using the medium infrared spectroscopy technique. The results showed that the methodology used was efficient in monitoring and allowed the discrimination of fungi attack in both wood species.
Keywords: biodeterioration, MIR, decay fungi, accelerated laboratory test