The Northern oak species of Iran designated Quercus castaneaefolia C.A.M. is distributed widely in caspian littoral. In natural conditions (healthy) has favourable quality and it is used mostly in rural construtions, sleepers, parquets, cross arms for electric and communication poles, it is used also indoor and window construction, benches and finally veneer. This wood in the case of sleepers and cross arms are impregnated. This wood in himud caspian region in contact with soil has a durability about l5 years, while in case it has been installed on foundations has a durability of 20 to 25 years. Different insects, specially from Cerambycidae and Anobium, Platypus and Lyctus attak to oak wood severly, specially to its sapwood. Also many lignivorous fungi attack this wood which are mostly from genus of Coriolus, Fistulina, Phellinus, Polyporus, Stereum, Schyzophyllum... etc. The coefficient of impact bending in decayed wood (k/d²) decreases about 80% in comparasion to the healthy wood, so due to this results, preservation and control of rail road ties and cross arms should be performed in its best methods.