The present status, characteristics and problems of wood based turning handicrafts industry in Bangladesh

IRG/WP 05-40298

A K M A Bosunia, M A Islam, M M Rahman, A K Lahiry

Cottage industry is an important sector both socio-economically and environmentally, because such industries provide jobs and income, which restricts destruction of forest and increase of agri-land. Study on the present status, characteristics, and growth potential of wood based turning handicrafts industry in Bangladesh revealed that in Khulna District, there are 20 (twenty) numbers of turning wood based cottage industries and each of the industry depends on the tree khaya babla (Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth). They supply their products to the local shops, different tourist spots, historical places and other parts of the country on the basis of order and take parts in the national and local-level fairs held throughout the country, especially in winter season and at the beginning of the new Bengali year. Study also revealed that there has severe marketing problem due to lack of standardization and also have problem relating to finance and shortage of raw materials. Output per unit labor is less but returns per unit investment are higher than traditional agricultural business. This is a potential sector for sustainable development and national economy. Initial dipping the products with boron compound may ensure durability of the handicrafts thus conserving the forests.

Keywords: Marketing, Pithecellobium dulce, small and cottage industry, turning wood

Conference: 05-04-24/28 Bangalore, India

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