Study on leaching of a magnesium fluorosilicate product (SF salt) from wood-boards by rain in the open and by artificial shower
IRG/WP 264
S Cymorek
The test was performed in 1961 to obtain information about (1) the comparative leaching effect of natural rain and of artificial shower in the laboratory; (2) the comparative leaching effect on the active ingredient in proportion to the dye-stuff of the product. The results show that a continuos light rainfall with low precipitation has a much stronger leaching effect than short heavy showers with high precipitation. Thus the time of moistening with water flowing on the wood surface is the most decisive factor. The salt is not only washed off by rain but also transferred into the wood. This explains the relative resistance to leaching of a varying amount of salt with longer periods of exposure. The dye-stuff used fades away by leaching and light. much faster than the active ingredient.