Chapter 11 - Preservation of talla bamboo

IRG/WP 07-10635-11

A K Lahiry

Researches revealed that the talla bamboo (Bambusa tulda Roxb.)) in Bangladesh could be full-cell pressure treated with CCA in green and dry conditions. The dry bamboo gives higher loading absorptions than green one when impregnated at same treating conditions. Also higher absorptions are obtained at nodes rather than internodes. Adequate penetration and retention results for ground and water contact uses are only possible by treating bamboos pre-dried to 10-15% MC. The green bamboo is easily treatable for indoor and overhead outdoor uses. The service life of this socio-economically important bamboo can easily be increased at least two times than nominal by CCA treating either green or dry bamboo. Two small holes made before pressure treatment in each internode will give split-free bamboo.

Keywords: Bambusa tulda, CCA-C, Wall/Shell thickness, Dry, Green, Kiln-drying, Bamboo pipe, Radial drilling, Split-free treatment, Full-Cell method, Penetration, Retention, Retention map, Service life

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