Oral toxicity of TIM-BOR®, Bora-Careä, boric acid and ethylene glycol against the formosan subterrean termite and easter subterrean termite
IRG/WP 93-10045
M Tokoro, N-Y Su
Oral toxicities (LD50) of boric acid, TIM-BOR® (disodium octaborate tetrahydrate: DOT) and BORA-CAREä (40% DOT in ethylene glycol) and ethylene glycol (ca. 80% monoethylene and ca. 20% polyethylene glycol) were estimated. Oral toxicities of BORA-CAREä were significantly higher (LD50: 256.2 µg/g DOT and 304.9 mg/g BAE) than TIM-BOR® alone (LD50: 408.2 µg/g DOT and 485.7 µg/g BAE); indicating a potential synergism of DOT by ethylene glycol in BORA-CAREä.