Determination of corrosive effect of liquid wood preservatives to metals – First experiences with a National Standard which is in revision
IRG/WP 06-20321
E Melcher
The development of standards is an essential tool to characterise different kind of materials and products. An important aspect during the development of a new product is to check the corrosion behaviour with other materials. Corrosion can cause several problems like pitting corrosion. Consequently the knowledge concerning the corrosive effect of liquid wood preservatives is important due to the selection of inert materials for the construction of treating cylinders for example.
Standardised laboratory test methods for the determination of corrosivity of wood preservatives are accepted since decades. Although these standards are well established it is sometimes necessary to revise them regarding their up-to-dateness. The main objective of this investigation was to check the practicability of the revised DIN 52168. The results show that the repeatability of the test procedure between the laboratories was satisfying. However, the major problem consists in the discrepancy between the known corrosion behaviour of QAC and the outcome of the corrosion test.