Biocidal property of the phenolic fraction of ethanol extractives of Hopea parviflora heartwood
IRG/WP 93-30003
R V Krishnan, K S Theagarajan, H S Ananthapadmanabha, M Nagaraja Sharma, V V Prabhu, H C Nagaveni
Natural resistance of some species of timber to fungal decay and insect damage (particularly termite) is ascribed toxic nature and quantity of certain chemical substances present in the cell wall of heartwood. These chemical substances generally known to be Phenolic and Polyphenolic compounds (Rao 1982). Earlier investigations on extractives were mainly in relation to resistance of timber to decay and studies that induce resistance to termite attack had not received enough attention. Treated wood with phenolic fraction of ethanol extractives of Hopea parviflora heartwood have shown inuced resistance against decay fungi and termites, indicating these chemical substances are having biocidal properties. The observation warrant detailed chemical studies of the extractives for their utilisation of wood protective substance.