Field performance of wax treated wood

IRG/WP 14-30649

C Brischke, E Melcher

The durability and outdoor performance of wax treated Scots pine sapwood was investigated in above ground field tests. Therefore wood impregnated with three different waxes was exposed in horizontal lap-joint test which is running since eight years. Durability, wetting resistance and the susceptibility to checking has been investigated. In summary, all wax treated wood performed better compared to untreated material. However, the principle of wood protection through moisture protection became evident in both above ground set ups. Durability and moisture performance were significantly better compared to untreated controls, but diminished with preceding exposure time.

Keywords: above-ground, biocide free protection, hydrophobicity, paraffin, water repellent

Conference: 14-05-11/15 St George, Utah, USA

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