The waste wood situation in Germany - legislative and practical consequences
IRG/WP 98-50101-06
R-D Peek
Waste wood or 'reclaimed wood' is produced in numerous areas of private and public life, in trade and in commerce, and its re-use is increasingly posing problems in Germany. This development has been reinforced as a result of legislation, such as the Trade Cycle and Refuse Act (KrW-/AbfG), the law regarding the supervision and control of the cross-frontier transportation of waste (AbVerbrG), the decree for the regulation of waste materials which need particular supervision (BestbüAbfV), the decree for the regulation of the processing of waste materials which need particular supervision (BestüVAbfV), the TASI (technical instructions regarding settlement refuse) and other legal regu-lations. The construction sector can be expected to produce an increased amount of waste wood in the next few years, particularly within the framework of the new building and reconstruction meas-ures in the new federal states.
In the Federal Republic, the orderly, environmentally-correct and thus harmless disposal of timber treated with preservatives is still in its initial phase. The relevant regulations are often of only a gen-eral nature and lead to uncertainty on the part of the authorities entrusted with the disposal which in turn leads to different requirements being made of the quality of the disposal in different federal states. For the market operator this means that there are unequal conditions in competition.