Recycling of pressure impregnated timber and preservatives - incineration techniques
IRG/WP 01-50166-19
T Syrjänen, E Kangas
The object of the recycling research projects is to determine the technical and economical requirements of the recycling of CCA-impregnated wood. In the first recycling of impregnated timber project the amount and location of recyclable treated wood in Finland was determined and the costs of recycling were calculated. An incineration test was also made (1998). The conclusion of the first project is that it is possible to design a full scale plant for burning CCA-treated wood, to treat condensate water, to purify the gases using a very effective method, and to treat the ash in a copper smelter. The object of the second recycling research project in Finland is to determine the technical and economical requirements of incinerating CCA-impregnated timber so that an investment decision can be taken on whether to build an incineration plant. Thus far in the course of the second project a trial has been established for collecting impregnated sawn timber at waste treatment plants and for cleaning the material of large metal constituents. The first part of the incineration trial was carried out in November 2000 and this will continue in the spring of 2001, after which an interested investor can reach a decision on a possible investment.