Your search resulted in 32 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Antifungal activity of essential oils against common wood degrading/decaying fungi
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30465
Despite the wide use of essential oils in pharmaceutical and food industry as antimicrobial agents, their use as wood preservatives has not been fully explored. In this study, 12 essential oils were screened in nutrient medium for their antifungal activity against 8 common mould, sapstain or decay fungi. Subsequently, one essential oil, eugenol was evaluated for decay resistance in an agar/wood ...
T Singh, C Chittenden
A rapid microscale assay for determining growth of wood inhabiting fungi against Lactobacillus metabolites
2009 - IRG/WP 09-20412
Lactobacillus sp. are well known for their ability to produce secondary metabolites with potent inhibitory activity against a wide range of bacterial species and there is increasing evidence to support their antifungal activity. These metabolites are often screened in laboratories using microscale 96-well plate optical density assays. The objective of this study was to develop an optical density a...
D O’Callahan, T Singh, I McDonald
Analyses of premature failure of utility poles
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40584
In this study a total number of 18 utility poles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) impregnated with a copper-chromium containing preservative were investigated. They were part of different lower voltage transmission lines in the western part of Germany and failed before predicted minimum service life. All poles in this study were less than 15 years in use. The type of decay and fungi were evaluated...
S Bollmus, N Rangno, H Militz, A Gellerich
The effects of copper proximity on oxalate production in Fibroporia radiculosa
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10823
Copper remains a key component used in wood preservatives available today. However, the observed tolerance of several critical wood rotting organisms continues to be problematic. Tolerance to copper has been linked to the production and accumulation of oxalate, which precipitates copper into insoluble copper-oxalate crystals, thus inactivating copper ions. The purpose of this study was to assess d...
K M Jenkins, C A Clausen, F Green III
Selection of Wood-Rotting Basidiomycetes for Inoculation of an Accelerated Soil Bed Test
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20543
There is a need for a test method that guarantees exposure of treated wood to soil and preservative-tolerant wood-rotting basidiomycetes as standard field tests do not do this reliably. The ability of a range of selected wood-rotting basidiomycetes to grow through unsterile forest soil was investigated in a Mason jar test assembly. None of the white-rot fungi in test grew through this soil. Fou...
P I Morris, A Uzunovic, J Ingram
The copper-transporting ATPase pump and its potential role in copper-tolerance
2016 - IRG/WP 16-10859
Copper-tolerant brown-rot decay fungi exploit intricate mechanisms to neutralize the efficacy of copper-containing preservative formulations. The production and accumulation of oxalate is the most widely recognized theory regarding the mechanism of copper-tolerance in these fungi. The role of oxalate, however, may be only one part of a series of necessary components required for this complex mecha...
K M Ohno, C A Clausen, F Green III, G Stanosz
X-ray fluorescence microscopy of copper ion distribution in decay of copper-treated wood by Fibroporia radiculosa
2024 - IRG/WP 24-11047
Copper is an essential metal ion for eukaryotic life and must strictly be regulated as excess levels can cause oxidative damage, enzyme inhibition and denaturation, interruptions in nutrient transport and even cellular death. Copper-based wood treatments have efficacy against a wide range of biological organisms including decay fungi and are used in the majority of preservative formulations for ou...
K M Ohno, J Jakes, A B Bishell, L Li, Q Jin, E Maxey