Your search resulted in 35 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
The Chelator Mediated Fenton System in the Brown Rot Fungi: Details of the Mechanism, and Reasons Why it has Been Ineffective as a Biomimetic Treatment in some Biomass Applications – a Review
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10828
The chelator-mediated Fenton (CMF) reaction requires the action of two types of chelating compounds. The first chelator, oxalate, solubilizes and then sequesters iron, and the second chelator reduces iron. Iron reduction must be controlled near the fungal hyphae to prevent damaging Fenton chemistry from occurring in that location. Similarly, iron reduction must be promoted within the wood/plant ce...
B S Goodell, M Nakamura, J Jellison
Modern Instrumental Methods to Investigate the Mechanism of Biological Decay in Wood Plastic Composites
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40674
Various instrumental techniques were used to study the fungal decay process in wood plastic composite (WPC) boards. Commercial boards exposed near Hilo, Hawaii (HI) for eight years in both sun and shadow locations were inspected and tested periodically. After eight years of exposure, both boards were evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), while a selected area of the board exposed in sh...
G Sun, R Ibach, M Gnatowski, J Glaeser, M Leung, J Haight
Modifying wood with paraffin wax emulsion impregnation and thermal modification: hydrophobization effect and mechanism of the combined treatment
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40726
The aim of this study was to enhance the water repellency of wood by a combined treatment of paraffin wax emulsion (PWE) impregnation and thermal modification. Two different treating procedures were used to modify the southern pine (pinus spp.). One is first PWE impregnation and then thermal modification, another is first thermal modification and then PWE impregnation. The treated samples were imm...
Wang Wang, Jinzhen Cao, Cong Chen
Role of cell wall specific moisture content on the brown-rot fungal attack on wood
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40736
Wood is a hydroscopic resource because the cell wall polymers contain hydroxyl and other oxygen-containing groups that attract moisture through hydrogen bonding. Moisture content varies with changing moisture content in its environment. The moisture content in wood is responsible for many of the performance properties we observe. The strength properties of wood are dependent on the moisture con...
R M Rowell
Mechanism of nano metal fluorides against fungi
2018 - IRG/WP 18-30730
Metal fluoride nanoparticles are promising because of their low water solubility, which reduces the need for fixatives required in widely used active ingredient in wood preservatives such as copper and boron. Wood specimens treated with fluoride sols of MgF2 and CaF2 have been tested against brown-rot fungi (Coniophora puteana and Rhodonia placenta) in accordance with EN 113 and against termites (...
S M Usmani, K Klutzny, I Stephan, T Hübert, E Kemnitz
Recent findings clarifying the mechanism of brown-rot decay protection in acetylated wood
2018 - IRG/WP 18-40827
This paper summarizes the findings obtained during my PhD research over the past three years. The results provide insights which help to understand the enhanced brown-rot decay resistance of acetylated wood with particular emphasis on the role of water. The protection acetylation provides is derived from moisture exclusion within the acetylated cell wall, but the exact mechanism by which water is ...
G Beck
Non-stochiometric oxidation and ROS generation promoted by guaiacol lignin structures and lignocelluose surfaces may be a component of brown rot fungal degradation mechanisms
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10937
Model guaiacol compounds representing lignin monomers, as well as DHP-lignin and wood flour of controlled particle size were used to assess iron reduction at the pH of the natural wood cell wall. All compounds functioned as electron donors for ferric iron, with the lignin monomers demonstrating capacity for non-stochiometric reduction of iron with multiple moles of ferric ion reduced per mole of l...
Y Tamarua, M Yoshidaa, L D Eltisb, B Goodell
The anti-weathering mechanism of extractives in thermally modified Scots pine
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40880
Results from the electron spin-resonance spectroscopy (ESR) analysis indicated that thermally modification of wood can inhibit the generation of phenoxyl radicals during UV irradiation and consequently lead to the increase of the color stability of wood. In order to clarify the evolution and role of extractives in thermally modified wood during the process of weathering, the compositions of aceton...
H Shen, J Cao
The cellulose binding mechanism of a novel cellulose binding domain from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11021
In nature, wood decay is caused by various wood-rotting basidiomycetes. Wood-rotting basidiomycete are mainly divided into white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi. Their main carbon source is cellulose of the wood cell wall during wood decay, and they produce a variety of enzymes to decompose cellulose. The cellulolytic enzymes often possess a cellulose binding domain (CBD) as an additional domain con...
M Aoki, Y Kojima, M Wada, M Yoshida
How the biochemical activities of polyphenols may be effective for the protection of wood deterioration by termites?
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30789
In spite of the remarkable mechanical characteristics of wood for building construction and furniture industry, this material is prone to biodeterioration by xylophagous organisms. This compromises its durability and performances during storage and services, and results in considerable economical losses estimated by the billions. Protection against fungi, termites and other wood biodegrading organ...
J-P Joseleau, D Messaoudi, K Ruel