Your search resulted in 40 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Essais de collage de bois traités pour la réalisation d'éléments de charpente lamellées. (+ abstract dated September 1971, Influence du traitement de préservation sur le collage d'éléments de charpente lamellés collés et efficacité vis-a-vis de larves néonates)
1971 - IRG/WP 203
Le but du travail est de vérifier les propriétés générales d'une poutre lamellée collée après traitement des éléments la composant au moyen de formulations insecticides et fongicides commerciales à solvant clair dans les conditions les plus usuelles de fabrication. Les essences utilisées ont été: Epicéa - Pin sylvestre - Sapin de Douglas en planches rabotées de 80 cm de lo...
J Guillemain-Thévenot
FIPRONIL - une nouvelle molécule insecticide Rhône Poulenc pou le PCO et la protection du bois [FIPRONIL - A new insecticide from Rhône Poulenc for PCO and wood preservation]
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-16
We will explain here after the advantages and key points of the new insecticide "FIPRONIL" from Rhône Poulenc Agrochemicals. We will have a look from the physical and chemical properties to the possible uses in PCO and wood preservation, including toxicology, efficacy and the main beneficial impacts on the environment. FIPRONIL, a new solution against undesirable and damageable insects, from cock...
M G E J Van Maanen
Modèles de laboratoire et évaluation des risques. Protocole pour l'étude physiqo-chimique et toxicologique de la thermolyse de bois, de matériaux composites et de végétaux arbustifs
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-03
Thermolysis of samples is achieved inside an oven called "Fire model", designed to simulate fire conditions. This fire model was previously designed by the LEMD at the occasion of studies carried out for the purpose of toxicity studies on materials in the conditions occurring at the building level. This model essentially a cubic chamber takes into account the energy of radiation reflexed on the wa...
R Capron, E Leghouchi, M Guerbet, E Dittmar, J M Jouany
Wood kiln drying. Simple process of material treament or soft method of preservation? (Le séchage arificiel du bois. Simple opération de traitement du metériau ou méthode douce de préservation?)
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-14
Among the processes enabling to extend wood durability, kiln drying can be considered as a treatment and soft preservation method. Dry woods are naturally durable provided they are not subject to important retaking of the moisture. Drying thanks to the application of temperatures from 50 to120°C enable to execute a thermic treatment which kills grubs and mushrooms to ensure a sterilization that c...
F More-Chevalier
Utilisation industrielle du bois. Préservation de la matière première par des utilisations rationnelles successives de ses propriétés
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-17
Tenant compte que dans la pratique, l'utilisation rationnelle du bois est liée aux dimensions d'origine, et que pour obtenir des éléments de grandes dimensions on est amené à lier entre eux des éléments bois de plus en plus fractionnés; on en est venu à rechercher plusieurs utilisations industrielles d'un même bois depuis la dimension de récolte jusqu&apos...
M R Barray
Bibliographie sur les produits organiques en solvant pour la préservation du bois
1972 - IRG/WP 313
Le présent travail exécuté dans le cadre do la Section III du Groupe International de la Préservation du bois a pour but de rassembler, en vue d'éventuelles études plus approfondies sur le sujet ou sur l'un de ses aspects, les principales et relativement récentes références sur les produits de protection des bois en solvant, souvent appelés, et parfois improprement, pro...
H Alliot
Quality and safety scheme for wood in food contact
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-11
When there is no tolerance concerning the content in food of potential contaminants the scheme is limited to a ban of any contaminant with objectives of undetectable amounts at the limits of detection of the chemical analysis. When some tolerances exist, there is a need to check the compliance of a production to such requirements, putting in place the necessary prevention of any accidental situati...
G Deroubaix
Quantification des émanations de substances dans l'air ambiant a partir des bois traités
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-27
Pesticides on wood for the purpose of its protection may evaporate. Eventual toxicity of such emanations justifies risk assessment procedures for indoor air in building. This document describes bench scale tests based on the technique of chambers developped by CTBA/BIOTEC to determine the amount of pesticides and associated substances released to the ambient air. Results obtained with various pest...
H Sageot, M Lamour
Experiences with supervision schemes for treated timber in Denmark
1984 - IRG/WP 3315
Since 1967 a voluntary supervision scheme for vacuum-pressure treatment was established in Denmark. In 1976 the Nordic Wood Preservation Council - NWPC - established a scheme based on wood preservation classes for treated timber as a joint technical standard valid in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. This paper deals with inspection results over 17 years for CCA treatment within our organizatio...
J Sabroe
Evaluating the performance of wood preservatives against fungi
1974 - IRG/WP 247
A compilation is made of results published by various workers for agar/block laboratory tests of the effectiveness of wood preservatives against 11 species of wood destroying Basidiomycetes and one species of soft rot fungus. Preservatives include creosote, boron, metal/arsenic mixtures, metallic naphthenates, chlorinated naphthalene, chlorinated phenols and tri-n-butyl tin oxide. The results are ...
R Cockcroft
Issues Facing Wood Preservation in Australia Today
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30327
Timber and timber products are a major part of the Australian building industry and preservative treatment is a common consideration for most timber users. Despite this however, there is a major lack of awareness by the users of the various issues associated with preservative treatment.
Australian treatment specifications are logical, concise and uncomplicated. There are three agencies in Austr...
J Norton
A field study on the suitability of the European lap-joint test
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20239
Within the framework of the European SM&T Research Project "Co-normative research on field tests for wood preservatives out of ground contact in conjunction with methods for preconditioning test specimens prior to test" (FACT) one aim was to establish the suitability of the European lap-joint test (as it is described in ENV 12037:1996) to assess wood preservatives in the field in EHC 3. Scots ...
M Grinda, Ö Bergman, H-V Borck, D Dickinson, P Esser, R Gründlinger, H Leithoff, S Molnar, L Paajanen, N Pfabigan, E D Suttie, F Thomassin, T Nilsson, J Van Acker, M Van Der Zee, A Voss
IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - To determine the effect of timber substrate on the efectiveness of different preservatives in sea-water: Coding scheme
1976 - IRG/WP 420
It was agreed in Wildhaus on 15 May 1976 that preparations for the test detailed in Document No: IRG/WP/414 should commence immediately, but that initially only two water-borne preservatives should be used - a copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) and a copper/chrome/boron (CCB) formulation respectively. PRL, England (R Cockcroft) would be responsible for supplying only the reference species treated with th...
Evaluation de l'efficacité insecticide de la deltaméthrine et fongicide de son association avec le TCMTB+MBT dans le domaine de la préservation des bois
1986 - IRG/WP 1289
La deltaméthrine pour la protection insecticide des bois possède de nombreux avantages: une toxicité relative faible, une évaporation très réduite, une très longue conservation dans la bois, un délavage très faible une fois qu'elle est pénétrée dans le bois, elle n'a pas d'odeur. Son association avec toutes autres matières actives ou solvants sera étudiée ...
J S Duguet
GDR3544 “Science du Bois” - Academic and Industrial French Partnerships on Wood Science
2019 - IRG/WP 19-50362
The wood sciences are currently practiced by a very diverse community of disciplines, themes and institutional contexts of different actors. The Research Group in Wood Sciences (GDR3544 "Sciences du Bois") was created in 2012 by the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and renewed from 2016 to 2020.
The objectives of GDR " Science du Bois " are to manage the coordination of wood scienc...
J Gril, R Marchal, K Candelier