Your search resulted in 75 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
LCA examination of preservative treated timber products and alternatives; initial results
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-04
Co-operative development of an LCA methodology suitable for application to preservative treated products has been carried out, based on scoping assessments of two products, CCA treated fenceposts and creosote treated distribution poles. The general results of these scoping exercices are described, based on the CCA case study. These include the identification of critical stages in the life-cycle on...
W Hillier, R J Murphy, D J Dickinson, J N B Bell
Wood preservation in Uruguay
1987 - IRG/WP 3404
The purpose of this paper is a brief description of the current status of wood treatment in Uruguay. The forest resources of the country are summarized, the environment, their economic importance and future potential. The present wood treating facilities are described, together with the chemicals used and the standards generally accepted. Wood treated products used in the Uruguayan market are cite...
G Baillod
Effects of the delay in the beginning of treatment on absorption and distribution of water-soluble salts in posts treated by sap-replacement method
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3719
One of the most important matters in green wood treatments, such as sap-replacement method, is knowing the longest time available for beginning treatment without losing efficacy. In this paper, the influence of this factor on absorptions and distribution of the preservative into the wood is analized. Tree start-up times were first chosen: 3-6 hours, 48 h and 120 h after being cut down. The treatme...
M V Baonza Merino
Hot and cold treatment in fence posts of Eucalyptus globulus, Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster
1988 - IRG/WP 3489
An analysis is made of the treatment of fence-posts of Eucalyptus globulus, Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster by hot and cold immersion in creosote. The temperatures of the different treatments were 60, 70 and 90°C. The posts were heated for one hour and then allowed to cool for 21 hours 30 min., and finally reheated for 1 hour 30 min. The greatest absorption rates were recorded in ...
C De Arana Moncada, A M Navarrete
Stress wave and visual analysis of treated and non treated fence posts after 15 years in field test
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20449
Wood preservation may play an important role in protecting tropical rain forest. Basically, it can reduce pressure on natural resources by increasing wood durability. Field tests are conducted to simulate final use of woods under different environmental conditions. Visual analysis, non destructive testing, and non destructive evaluation techniques were applied to assess wood resistance and chemica...
A Florian da Costa, R Faustino Teles, J Costa Gonçalves
Wood protection in the Sierra Nevada National Park, Venezuela
2012 - IRG/WP 12-50290
The use of wood without the respective protection inevitably leads to its replacement. When this wood is used in a national park call attention to public opinion because the consequences generated by the very short life service, and replacement is required, means more wood not preserved, rapidly deteriorated in a constant repeated cycle. This becomes an environmental problem, especially when the ...
O Erazo, O Encinas, Y Molina
Field Performance of Old-Growth and Second-Growth Western Red Cedar Fence Posts with and without Barrier Wraps
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10838
Many authors have suggested natural durability may be lower in second-growth western redcedar than in old-growth. One potential means of offsetting a decline in durability is use of physical barriers to separate the wood from soil. In the present work we compared the durability of old-growth and second-growth western red cedar posts, with and without barrier wraps, in a field test. After ten year...
P I Morris, J K Ingram, R Stirling
Durability of Fence Posts of Four Wood Species After 20 Years in Field Test
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30670
In the past years, wood consumption from native forests has drastically reduced the availability of wood. Fast-growing species such as Pinus and Eucalyptus suitably impregnated with chemicals may show a service life equal or higher than hardwood with high natural durability. The field tests have been an alternative widely used to evaluate the durability of wood and the efficiency of preservatives....
A Florian da Costa, A C Salgado de Freitas, E Meneses Oliveira
Comparative studies on the durability of English oak (Quercus robur L.) under in-service, field and laboratory conditions
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10881
The durability of many wood species varies due to differences in extractive content, anatomical features, growth conditions, and not at least in dependence of the respective exposure conditions either under test or in real life applications. And so does the durability of English oak (Quercus robur L.), which has recently been considered in the revised European standard EN 350 (2016) and is now cla...
C Brischke, L Meyer-Veltrup, A Soetbeer, M Höpken, E Melcher, J Trautner
Types of decay observed in CCA-treated pine posts in horticultural situations in New Zealand
1984 - IRG/WP 1226
The few reported failures of 11-12-year-old horticultural posts in New Zealand in 1982 were caused by brown-rot. A subsequent survey of CCA-treated posts in all the major horticultural areas has revealed decay of many posts. A microscopic examination of these posts has shown decay by brown-rot, white-rot, soft-rot and bacteria. Several types of bacterial decay have been observed....
J A Drysdale, M E Hedley
Effect of water repellents on leaching from CCA treated wood
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50044
CCA treated fence boards brushed with a water repellent finish had consistently lower leaching losses of all CCA components compared to the rate for matched samples without the water repellent. These results are after 12 cycles of simulated rainfall in the laboratory (1800 mm rainfall total) and four months of natural rain exposure in Toronto....
P A Cooper, R MacVicar
Effect of a penta emulsion on the service life of Douglas fir, heartwood posts
1978 - IRG/WP 3112
C S Walters
The utilisation and preservation of Eucalyptus globulus agricultural stakes from Portugal
1989 - IRG/WP 3520
This paper reviews the development and utilisation of Tanalith C treated Eucalyptus globulus stakes: particular reference is made to their use in vineyards. The treatment characteristics of commercially available stakes will be described and penetration patterns evaluated....
A Milne e Carmo, D A Lewis, A Lyman
Analysis of creosote posts after 40 years of exposure
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50035
In the early 1950s The Western European Institute for Wood Preservation (WEI) started a program for testing creosote and salt treated posts in three exposure sites in Europe. Of these only the site in Simlångsdalen in south western Sweden remains today. The purpose with this investigation was to demonstrate which creosote components are still retained in the posts after 40 years of exposure and w...
G Bergqvist, S Holmroos
Imprégnation de bois ronds par déplacement de sève à Madagascar
1975 - IRG/WP 352
M Fougerousse, P Guéneau
Performance of treated spruce in Canadian field test sites
1989 - IRG/WP 3506
Spruce material under test in Canadian field test sites is performing better than anticipated. From the comparison of the performance of spruce treated with various preservatives, it appears that penetration may be far more important on durability performance than the preservative itself or the retention of preservatives in the wood. However, there is still insufficient data on the influence of pe...
J P Hösli, E E Doyle
Inspection method of surface checking of Sugi posts
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20272
In order to establish the method for evaluating the checking of Sugi posts, checks on exposed posts were examined. Checks on Sugi posts exposed for 18 months were superficially inspected, that is, the length, width, and depth of the checks were measured from the outside with a ruler and 0.1 mm thick feeler gauge. Then, each post was cut into cross sections of the 30 mm width, and the check depth w...
H Kurisaki, H Nakatani, K Mizumoto
Comparison of the effect of different soil sources on the type and rate of decay of CCA-treated pine exposed in a soil-bed
1984 - IRG/WP 2213
The types of decay observed in CCA-treated pine posts in horticultural situations in New Zealand can be reproduced using a soil-bed exposure. Radiata pine stakelets, untreated or treated to 1.4, 2.7, or 5.4 kg/m³ with Tanalith NCA, were exposed to six different soil sources. The local nursery soil used for all standard laboratory tests was found to represent the greatest decay hazard to untreated...
J A Drysdale
Long term performance of CCA preservatives in ground contact
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30223
Copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) preservatives have been use extensively in New Zealand since the mid-1950s for a wide range of ground contact uses, radiata pine being the main species treated. They have been the subject of a comprehensive field testing programme in up to five sites in New Zealand, the earliest tests being established in 1955. Main factors affecting performance have been formulation t...
M E Hedley, D R Page, B E Patterson
Novel observations on the micromorphology of soft rot attack of wood
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10176
Electron microscopic examinations of decaying Pinus radiata horticultural posts which had been treated with CCA preservative prior to being placed in service about nine years ago showed the presence of soft rot fungi and tunnelling bacteria. Some novel observations on the micromorphology of the soft-rotted areas of tracheid walls are described here. The micromorphology of soft-rotted areas was hig...
A P Singh, R N Wakeling
Premature decay of CCA-treated pine posts in horticultural soils - An overview
1984 - IRG/WP 1241
The recent discovery in New Zealand of early decay in CCA-treated pine posts set in horticultural soils led to the establishment of a comprehensive research programme. The objectives and outline of this programme are presented together with an overview of research progress to date. Results suggest that premature decay of CCA-treated timber is restricted to material placed in highly cultivated soil...
J A Butcher
Impregnation of roundwoods by sap-displacement in Madagasca
1975 - IRG/WP 352 E
The use of roundwoods is already very important in Madagascar and steadily increasing for the following applications: - posts, electricity and telephone line supports (medium voltage) - stakes, piles for civil engineering structures, bridges, gantries, road and port works, etc. - construction of houses (posts, frameworks, piles, etc.) and rural buildings (sheds, stables, piggeries) - fence posts, ...
M Fougerousse, P Guéneau
Above-ground field tests undertaken in New Zealand
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20063
In addition to "standard" L-joints, above-ground test material exposed at the NZ FRI test site includes treated and untreated decking units, Y-joints, fence battens and weatherboards either with or without additional protection from surface coatings. The latter tests bridge the gap between "model" test assemblies, such as L-joints, and services tests. Most tests are of preservative-treated radiata...
M E Hedley, D R Page, J B Foster, B E Patterson
Incising to improve penetration and retention of creosote in small-diameter Kenyan-grown Cypress (Cupressus lusitanica)
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40253
Turning small-diameter plantation thinnings into value-added products has remained a challenge in many countries, including Kenya. The present study reports on a feasible technique to effectively treat small-diameter cypress for use in ground contact. Samples of pole-size Cypress (Cupressus lusitanica), 106 mm and 138 mm in average diameter, were sampled from thinnings in 7 and 12 year-old plant...
R Venkatasamy
Inadequacies in preservative retention and formulation as contributory causes of premature failure of CCA-treated vineyard posts
1984 - IRG/WP 3280
Analyses of severely decayed or failed vineyard posts and examination of stake test data on effectiveness of copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) preservatives have suggested two contributory causes of premature failure of vineyard posts: 1. Preservative retentions in posts are such that after 15 years' exposure some decay is inevitable. 2. The high arsenic, low chrome formulations with which the...
M E Hedley