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Your search resulted in 30 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Resistance of fungal derived pigments to ultraviolet light exposure
2014 - IRG/WP 14-30642
The potential for using fungal derived pigments as surface treatments for limiting photodegradation of wood was investigated. Extracts from Chlorociboria aeruginosa and Scytalidium cuboideum were compared with a traditional aniline dye and chromic acid treatment. Hybrid poplar sapwood samples treated with these solutions were exposed to 86.4 kj/m2 of UV radiation and assessed for lignin degradatio...
H G Beck, S Freitas, G Weber, S C Robinson, J J Morrell

Accelerated weathering and fungal resistance of wood modified with isopropenyl acetate
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40764
Chemical modification of Rubberwood (Heveabrasiliensis Müll.Arg) with isopropenyl acetate (IPA) in presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride and iodine as catalysts was carried out. Modified wood surfaces were exposed to UV light source in an accelerated weathering tester to evaluate UV resistance. Anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) and fungal resistance of modified wood were also evaluated. Modified w...
G B Nagarajappa, K K Pandey

Rapid detection of the Alaska yellow cedar, Callitropsis nootkatensis (Cupressaceae) extractives using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy
2017 - IRG/WP 17-20612
Global changes in wood harvesting towards plantation species grown on much shorter rotations has the potential to markedly alter wood quality perceptions. Nowhere is this more risky than with naturally durable species where there is compelling evidence that faster grown woods tend to be less durable. The ability to non-destructively assess durability may allow growers to identify materials that re...
S Lipeh, J J Morrell

FTIR-ATR monitoring of chemical changes of thermo-chemically modified beech wood degraded by brown-rot fungus
2018 - IRG/WP 18-40823
Wood chemical modification with lactic acid oligomers (OLA) has been reported to confer promising properties for wood outdoors applications. To better understand the lactic acid interaction with wood, chemical changes following biological degradation have been characterized with a battery of tests. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been proved to be a valuable tool for studying fu...
C Grosse, M Noël, M-F Thevenon, P Gérardin

FTIR analysis of wood blocks decayed by brown-rot fungi
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10959
Calibration curves of the relative lignin contents in Cryptomeria japonica decayed by brown-rot fungi were developed with Infrared Spectroscopy and Klason technique. First, wood decay test was conducted using brown-rot fungi (Fomitopsis palusris, F. pinicola, Wolfiporia cocos, Gloeophyllum trabeum, and Neolentinus suffrutescens) and white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) was used as a comparison. ...
R Kondo, Y Horikawa, R Kose, M Yoshida

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