Your search resulted in 43 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
The growth and metal content of plants grown in soil contaminated by a copper/chrome/arsenic wood preservative
1977 - IRG/WP 3110
Salts of copper, chromium and arsenic are used together in water soluble formulations for the preservation of wood against insect and fungal attack. Copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) preservatives are of proven efficacy and, used correctly, ensure a useful service life for timber for 30 years or more with little, if any, attendant threat to the environment from the treated wood itself. The preservative ...
C Grant, A J Dobbs
Fungal decay resistance of Rubber wood treated with heartwood extract of Rosewood
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30367
Alcoholic extract of Dalbergia latifolia heartwood was studied for its toxicity towards wood decaying fungi. Rubber wood blocks were treated with this extract to three different retention levels (0.1%, 0.2% & 0.5%) and the treated wood blocks were assessed for their resistance towards two white rot and two brown rot fungi. Treated blocks showed improved resistance over the control blocks. At 0...
A K Sethy, H C Nagaveni, S Mohan, K T Chandrashekar
The importance of blue stain attack for the colonization by wood-rotting fungi of wood not in contact with the ground
1988 - IRG/WP 1349
When used in constructions not in contact with the ground, wood has been shown often to proceed from blue stain to moulds. The appearance of wood rotting fungi is normally delayed. Solid wood artificially inoculated with the blue stain fungus Pullularia pullulans was shown to permit germination of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus basidiospores. This was demonstrated by the use of an indirect and a direct b...
J Bjurman
A microscopic study on the effect of IPBC/DDAC on growth morphology of the sapstaining fungus Ophiostoma piceae
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10191
An exploratory study was performed to probe into fungal/wood/fungicide interactions using Ophiostoma piceae, a common sapstaining fungus on unseasoned radiate pine. Treated (1% solution containing IPBC (0.07% w/w) and DDAC (0.60% w/w)) and untreated radiate pine wafers were inoculated with O. piceae and examined microscopically over a ten days incubation time. The results of the study showed that ...
Ying Xiao, B Kreber
Effect of test methodology on seed germination using filter paper and soil as substrates
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50029
Tomato, cucumber and grass seeds were used to examine the influence ot two wood preservatives, chromated copper arsenate (CCA type C) and ammoniacal copper quat (ACQ tvpe B) in seed germination studies. Two methodologies, using contaminated filter paper and contaminated soil as substrates, were investigated to generate the comparison results. The results from these studies suggest that the test su...
L Jin, A F Preston
The influence of fungal species and the level of decay on the mortality and feeding activity of adult Euophryum confine (Broun)
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10448
The mortality and feeding activity of adult Euophryum confine (Broun) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are used to establish the substrate conditions most suitable for their rearing. Weevils were allowed to feed on Pinus nigra (Arnold) sapwood blocks, either undecayed or
decayed to 10% weight loss ±5% by two brown rots Coniophora puteana (Schum.:Fr.) Karst. and Serpula lacrymans (Wulf.:Fr.) Schroeter...
M Green, A J Pitman
The influence of timber species and preservative treatment on spore germination of some wood-destroying Basidiomycetes
1988 - IRG/WP 2300
Basidiospores from six wood decay fungi exhibited varying germination rates on untreated softwood and hardwood blocks. Germination inhibition of all test fungi was recorded on pine sapwood. No preference for a certain timber species by a particular fungus was evident. Whereas almost complete inhibition of germination occurred on wood treated with a quarternary-ammonium based wood preservative, mos...
B M Hegarty, G Buchwald
Partial characterization of inhibitors extracted from pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood active against germination of wood rotting fungi
1988 - IRG/WP 1351
Germination inhibitors in pine sapwood could be extracted and separated with the aid of solvent partitioning and chromatography on silicic acid. The inhibitory action was tested by three different bioassays. Active fractions have been characterized by TLC and HPLC. Inhibitory activity could be correlated with phenolic compounds. The minimum active concentration of inhibitors have been determined....
J Bjurman
Antagonistic effects of Dacrymyces stillatus against growth of other fungi
1991 - IRG/WP 2363
The antagonistic effects in dual cultures on malt extract agar of 5 wood decay fungi and the antagonistic effects of Dacrymyces stillatus against 1 mould fungus and 1 blue stain fungus were determined. Dacrymyces stillatus was the only fungus which exhibited clear antagonistic effects. The effects of Dacrymyces stillatus against the different test fungi varied however to a great extent. Dacrymyces...
J Bjurman
A determination of the toxic level of ACQ2100 wood preservative for the powder post borer Lyctus brunneus (Stephens)
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20029
The sapwood of two Lyctus susceptible Australian hardwoods, messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit.) and black bean (Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. et Fraser ex Hook) were pressure impregnated with ACQ2100, a wood preservative, to produce replicates of a range of retentions. Preservative retentions were determined by solution weight uptake at treatment and chemical analyses of selected sa...
A R Moffat
Effect of Cinnamomum kanehirae Extractives on the Compositions of the Fermentation Broth of Antrodia cinnamomea
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10632
The fruiting body of Antrodia cinnamomea, called niu-chang-chih, is well known and highly prized in Taiwan as a folk medicine. This fungus is endemic to Taiwan and the growth of which is restricted to the inner heartwood cavities of another endemic tree species, Cinnamomum kanehirae. The fungal basidiomes have been used for treating food and drug poisoning, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypertension, ...
Ruo-Yun Yeh, Yuan-Min Shen , Shang-Tzen Chang
The effects of acetylation level on the growth of Postia placenta
2011 - IRG/WP 11-10751
To understand the defence mechanisms utilized by decay fungi when exposed to different wood protection systems the study of gene expression can give us some answers. When the DNA sequences are known, primers can be designed to detect transcripts of genes with gene products related to basic cellular processes and hyphal growth. The characteristic gene products induced in different fungi by differen...
A Pilgård, G Alfredsen, C G Fossdal, C J Long II
Design, synthesis, characterisation and effectiveness of ‘Locked-in-Boron’ chemicals for H3.2 level of wood protection
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30577
Boratrane molecules with five-membered and six-membered molecular ring systems, and with various ring substituents were synthesised, characterised and formulated for wood treatment for accelerated laboratory bioassays using wood decay fungi as test organisms. Six-membered ring boratranes showed lower efficacy in laboratory assays than five-membered ring boratranes. One alkyl-substituted boratran...
R Franich, H Kroese, S Gallagher, S Hill, B Kelly, G Billett, R Meder, W Rae
Inhibition of Basidiospore Germination by Copper from MCQ, ACQ and CCA Leachates
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10778
The long-term decay resistance of refractory wood shell-treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) in above-ground exposures has been attributed to mobile copper that migrates into checks and inhibits the germination of basidiospores. Copper from micronized copper quat (MCQ) has also been shown to migrate into checks suggesting similar performance as a shell treatment, but questions have been ra...
R Stirling, J Drummond, P I Morris
The effects of acetylation level on the growth of Postia placenta over 36 weeks
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40589
Genomic sequencing gives us a tool to systematically and rapidly discover novel genes, how their products function in the cell, and explore their interactions. When the DNA sequences are known, primers can be designed to detect transcripts of genes with gene products related to basic cellular processes and hyphal growth. The characteristic gene products induced in different fungi by different wood...
A Pilgård, G Alfredsen, C G Fossdal, C J Long II
Method for determining the critical moisture level for mould growth on building materials
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20530
The natural conditions of relative humidity (RH) and temperature (T) in different parts of a building is rarely constant over time. Instead, RH and T often vary cyclically and may pose a risk of mould growth as these conditions are the two key environmental parameters that controls mould growth. Consideration to both humidity and temperature conditions and the susceptibility to mould in a material...
A Ekstrand-Tobin, P Johansson, G Bok
Critical moisture levels and mould resistance of five different wood treatments
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30632
Mould resistance of five different treatments were tested using two methods, a recently
developed method for the determination of critical moisture levels of building materials (RHcrit),
and ASTM D3273-94. The critical moisture level method exposed samples at 22 °C and 98, 92,
86 and 82% relative humidity (RH) for 12 weeks. ASTM D3273-94 was performed at 29 °C and
about 95% RH.
Treatments c...
G Bok, P Johansson, A Ekstrand Tobin, S Bardage
The impact of pre-drying on treatment level variations of esterified solid wood analysed by X-ray densitometry
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40977
Wood modification requires homogenous treatment levels within the wood matrix to prevent insufficiently treated areas being subject to biodeterioration. Esterification of wood by citric acid and sorbitol can show differences in density caused by uneven chemical distribution during the curing phase and can be detected by x-ray densitometry. This study used density profiling to investigate the influ...
A Treu, S O Amiandamhem, E Larnoy