Your search resulted in 85 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Traitement curatif des bois en place. Hygiène et sécurité
1990 - IRG/WP 3585
P Huré
Questionnaire on the state of pollution control in the field of wood preservation
1974 - IRG/WP 52
H Willeitner
Assessment of wood preservation facilities in Canada
1989 - IRG/WP 3557
This document sets out an assessment procedure for the current status of the wood preservation industry in Canada in relation to the Technical Recommendations (TR) documents for the Design and Operation of Wood Preservation Facilities published by the Government of Canada in April 1988. A questionnaire has been prepared in consultation with industry and the Canadian Institute of Treated Wood. An a...
G Das, V N P Mathur
Justification for use of mirex in termite control
1988 - IRG/WP 1346
In August 1987, organochlorines were withdrawn in North America from use in termite control. This has left the industry and the community with reduced options in long term protection of wood and wood products. A case is presented to justify the use of the slow-acting stomach termiticide, mirex, under special permit, for use only in the bait-block method of termite control. This method, while not a...
J R J French
Current models used by the European Health Authorities to evaluate the volatilization of active ingredients from treated wood used inside dwellings. A case study: Volatilization of azaconazole and propiconazole from treated wood
1990 - IRG/WP 3565
The use of wood preservatives inside houses may result in measurable aerial concentrations of active ingredients. These airborne contaminants may be inhaled by the inhabitants over periods lasting from a couple of days to several months. To assess the potential health hazard of preservative residues in the air, various risk-assessment models have been worked out. Three schemes, currently used by t...
A R Valcke, L Van Leemput
Practical consideration in developing an international hazard class standard: The hazards and risks
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20091
This paper discusses the concept of hazards and risks in relation to the way in which the hazard class philosophy may be used for international standardization. The difference between hazard and risk is considered as a basis for a simple classification of biological hazards for timber in use based upon its service environment. The paper proposes that the moderating influences within a service envi...
R J Orsler
Wood preservation in Kenya
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40191
Current research on wood preservation in Kenya is mainly on the development of biological control of wood-destroying termite species, using mycoinsecticides. The major research institutions include the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), Moi University and the International Centre for Insect Physiology (ICIPE). Training institutions include Fore...
G Ochiel
Second international symposium on wood preservation "The challenge safety-environment" 8-9 February 1993, Cannes-Mandelieu, France
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001
Contains the following 34 Documents (IRG/WP 93-50001/1 - IRG/WP 93-50001/34) and 4 abstracts:
A methodology for the life-cycle assessment of treated timber products (IRG/WP 93-50001/1)
Initial results and observations of a model system to assess the efficacy and environmetal impact of preservative treated wood (IRG/WP 93-50001/2)
Borates as wood preservatives - an environmental, health and safe...
Health hazards and environmental aspects when using Cu-HDO-containing wood preservatives in vacuum pressure plants
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-11
Apart from the biological efficacy of wood preservatives, the health and environmental aspects concerning the utilisation of wood preservatives, the use of treated timber and the disposal of impregnated wood are of high significance today. Therefore, information on a possible aerial concentration of wood preservatives, on the mobility of active substances in soil leached from treated timber in ser...
W Hettler, S Breyne, M Maier
Practicability of bioassays in the evaluation of environmental risks in wood protection
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50071
As an example for the proofing of the practicability of bioassays in the evaluation of environmental risks in wood protection the ecotoxicological behaviour of CCF-impregnated timber was examined. After vacuum pressure impregnation specimen from shaped pine poles were tested on ecotoxicological effects of leachable compounds using sensitive aquatic organisms like fish, Daphnia and algae as bioindi...
H-W Wegen
The dip diffusion treatment of tropical building timbers in Papua New Guinea
1972 - IRG/WP 310
In Papua New Guinea a dip diffusion process using a multi salt preservative developed by C.S.I.R.0. has been in commercial use for 8 years. Over 200 million super feet (236,000 m³ ) of timber has been treated during this period and current rate of treatment is 34 million super feet (80,400 m³ ) of timber per year in 70 licenced treatment plants. The process has been found to be simple to apply, ...
C R Levy, S J Colwell, K A Garbutt
Review of Mold Issues in North America and Mold Research at Forintek
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10458
Over the last decade, air quality in homes and workplaces has become a high profile issue especially in relation to mold, receiving considerable media, public and legal attention. Forintek Canada Corp. and the wood industry in general have experienced large increases in inquiries regarding mold and the suitability of wood as substrate for its growth. Because wet wood supports growth of fungi the ...
A Uzunovic, A Byrne, Dian-Qing Yang, P I Morris
Health and safety aspects of the use of wood preservatives in Sweden
1977 - IRG/WP 396
The Act on products Hazardous to Health and to the Environment (Swedish Code of Statutes SFS 1973:329) came into force on 1st July 1973. The Act cancelled and superseded the Poison Act, the Pesticides Act and the PCB Act from 1962, 1962 and 1971 respectively. Regulations for the implementation of the Act are contained in the Ordinance on Products Hazardous to Health and to the Environment (SFS 197...
B Henningsson
Determination of fixation properties by bioassays - A proposal for the assessment of safety indexes in wood protection
1990 - IRG/WP 3566
In the determination of environmental effects of chemicals tests with fishes, daphnia and algae have proved to be practicable. With respect to wood protection such bioassays are suitable to control effects of treated timber against aquatic organisms. By using the fish-acute-toxicity-test the development of a laboratory test method is described for the checking of the fixation rate of a copper-chro...
H-W Wegen
A status report on code of good practices
1991 - IRG/WP 3679
Code of Good Practices - Anti Sapstain documents, presented to IRG meetings in the past, are the basic documents for health and safety of the workers and the environment in Canada. The BC Ministry of Environnment has now issued regulations in the area of effluent discharge. While Pentachlorophenols (PCP) are not used by the industry, the documents are still used as a guideline document for the oth...
V N P Mathur, G Das
Proposal for further work on fixation of CCA-preservatives in wood
1988 - IRG/WP 3493
Many studies on the fixation and fixation-mechanism of CCA-preservatives in lignocellulose materials have been published but few on the practical consequences of this knowledge. For the wood preserving industry and the user of treated wood it is important to know what is meant by the word fixation, when fixation is complete and how fixation can be recorded in an easy way according to a non-destruc...
M-L Edlund
Safe application of copper-chrome-arsenate preservatives
1975 - IRG/WP 377
All wood preservatives contain biologically active substances and must, by design, be in some measure toxic to man. There is nothing fundamentally difficult, however, about using a wood preservative with complete safety. It depends on knowing the risks to health and/or the environment, which the preservative may present, and planning application accordingly. In this paper we examine these and othe...
I N Stalker, P B Cornwell
Wood preservation in Kenya
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40190
Focussing an Wood Preservation in Kenya, the Report discusses and elaborates on Education and Training, Research, Wood deteriorating organisms, Treatment Plants and Processes, Preserving Chemicals, Specifications, Markets, Health and Safety and Environmental issues. Education and Research is limited to one Institution only, other Institutions involved with the properties and utilization of wood ha...
R Venkatasamy
Industrial wood preservation in Kenya. Present status – future prospects
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30385
Although some 50 years old, industrial wood preservation in Kenya does not appear to have technically, scientifically, and commercially evolved and contributed to significantly extend service lives of timbers, protect health and the environment, and curb unnecessary over-exploitation of forests. The population of the country has increased by 530% over the past 50 years; regular excisions have red...
R Venkatasamy
Will political initiatives stop the use of preservative-treated wood in Sweden?
1990 - IRG/WP 3578
The Swedish government has initiated several investigations on how to reduce the use of different chemicals. Among these chemicals are creosote, arsenic, chromium and organotin. A special investigation was carried out concerning wood preservatives resulting in different proposals on how to reduce the use of preservatives and preservative treated wood. The most important proposals were an "environm...
J Jermer, M-L Edlund
World survey on the status of pollution control in the field of wood preservation
1976 - IRG/WP 369
In 1974 the IRG/WP-Secretariat distributed a "Questionnaire on the state of pollution control in the field of wood preservation" which was prepared by the author. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. Part A asked "General questions" on - the position of wood preservation in the respective country - the use of preservatives - the type of application of wood preservatives in different fields - ...
H Willeitner
Zur Analytik von Pentachlorphenol und Tetrachlorphenol in der Luft und im Urin. [On the analytics of pentachlorophenol and tetrachlorophenolin the air and in urine]
1979 - IRG/WP 3139
Because of its excellent fungicide and insecticide properties PCP has been used for more than three decades in the field of wood preservation. Recently, however, its application has been criticized repeatedly. The motives for criticism were diseases, the origin of which was supposed to be closely connected with the use of pentachlorphenolic wood preservatives. The quantitative evidence of this sub...
A Dahms, W Metzner
Information regarding a report on the "Code of Good Practice" for the use of chlorophenoxides for wood preservation
1984 - IRG/WP 3302
In 1981 the British Columbia Chlorophenate Wood Protection Task Force was formed to respond to workers' health and environmental concerns regarding the use of chlorophenoxides for control of sapstain and mould fungi at sawmills and lumber export terminals. The task force consisted of representatives of both the federal government (Environment Canada) and the provincial government (British...
V N P Mathur
Borates as wood preservatives - an environmental, health and safety perspective
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-03
Boron compounds are highly effective wood preservatives and have an established safe use in the timber treatment industry. Their widespread background occurrence in nature, low acute mammalian toxicity and useful properties make them versatile active ingredients within today's environmentally aware society. A critical review of health, safety and environmental data on the borates, their u...
J B Rainer
Leaching from CCA-impregnated wood to food, drinking-water and silage
1987 - IRG/WP 3433
During the last years The Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (NIWT) has analysed different foodstuff for contamination by copper, chrome and arsenic from CCA-impregnated wood. There has been some interest for using CCA-impregnated wood in contact with food and drinking-water. Before giving their permission the Norwegian Health Authorities want results from experiments. NIWT therefore started t...
F G Evans